#proudcardinal Junior Varsity Volleyball vs. Kingston
#proudcardinal Varsity Volleyball vs. Carsonville-Port Sanilac
Mrs. Sawicki’s class rolled out their names in play dough.
Mrs. Adams’ first graders are learning about shopping for “just right books”. They are sharing how they used the 5 finger rule to select books for their independent reading book bins.
Check out this week's issue of The Red and Black! https://www.smore.com/693ej
Based on La Tomatina, a food fight festival in Bunol, Spain, #proudcardinal Spanish II students wrote about themselves on paper, then balled them up & placed them in a big pile before the "fight" began. Everyone then opened up various "tomatoes" to try to guess who wrote what.
#proudcardinal #spartannation Varsity Football vs. Richmond
We have openings in Free 4 Year Old PreSchool! #proudcardinal
#proudcardinal 6th grade Science students participated in a unit challenge, used a think-pair-share to come up with ideas to solve a community's flooding problem, created a chart to record our plans, and used a dictated drawing to illustrate and label the water cycle.
If you were flossing in 2018, you might be interested in this Dryden Yearbook! (If you think we mean your teeth, you might not be.) Only 1 copy available for $20! https://www.ebay.com/itm/184963906230?hash=item2b10b53ab6:g:PGMAAOSwKCRg~a7x
Mrs. Bonesteel's students used aerial images of google maps to identify local water water sources and systems. #proudcardinal
#proudcardinal Junior Varsity Volleyball vs. Capac
#proudcardinal Varsity Volleyball vs. Capac
Mrs. Birkett’s class did an experiment to see if air has weight. Students made predictions and discussed what they know about air and
the materials that were used!! Fun science with fifth grade!!
Congrats to Dryden teachers Mr. Anderson, Ms. Czerwinski, Mrs. Garcia, Ms. Haddad, Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Maday, Mrs. Rhodes, & Mr. Shute, who were all nominated in the Skaff Furniture Favorite Teacher Contest! Vote here by September 6: https://www.skaff.com/teacher-vote.inc
Today is the last day to nominate a teacher to win a gift package from Skaff Furniture! Here's a chance for you to show your favorite teacher how much you care. Skaff is giving away a great classroom gift package worth over $600.00, including classroom supplies, a $100 Meijer Gift Card, a $100 Skaff Gift Certificate, & a beautiful 8x10 area rug! Click here: https://www.skaff.com/teacher-nomination.inc
#proudcardinal #spartannation Varsity Football vs. Durand
#proudcardinal Science 7 & 8 students practiced engineering ways to team build cup towers without using their hands.
Only 1 copy of this 2001 Dryden Yearbook is available! Who’s calling dibs?