Welcome to the Family! Meet our new #proudcardinal staff! https://www.smore.com/1zgv0
The countdown begins! #proudcardinal students, we can't wait to see you at school one week from today!
A huge #proudcardinal thank you to the Meemic Foundation for awarding a school supply grant to Ms. Czerwinski! She was able to purchase these back-to-school items. We appreciate you! @Meemic @FoundationClub1
All the news you need to know for the start of the school year! Check out our #proudcardinal newsletter: https://www.smore.com/xgu0m
Dryden Elementary School students and families: We can't wait to see you next week Wednesday at the SnoCone Social!
Dryden Junior/Senior High School students and families: We can't wait to see you next week Tuesday at Cardinal Day!
K-1 Summer Home Reading Activities for this week - Our theme is STEM! Suggested activities: build a block tower using blocks in a set order (largest to smallest, color, etc), explore shapes and practice letters with shaving cream. Book suggestions: #proudcardinal
Save the Date for our SnoCone Social!
Thank you for your #proudcardinal support of our Non-Homestead Annual Election!
Please remember to vote today!
What a great turn out today at our Reading Meet-Up! We created chalk-drawn book covers for our favorite books. #proudcardinal
On Tuesday, August 2, 2022, Dryden voters will again be asked to approve a proposal regarding the 18 mill non-homestead property tax levy. Please remember to vote tomorrow!
It's almost back-to-school time! Mark your calendar for Cardinal Day (grades 7-12) on August 16 & the Sno Cone Social (grades K-6) on August 17! Families can pre-order school photos here: https://www.photofactoryusa.com/
K-1 Summer Home Reading Activities for this week - Our theme is Diggin' Dinosaurs! Suggested activities: build a dinosaur from construction paper shapes, sort dinosaurs by what they eat, meat or plants. Book suggestions: #proudcardinal
Book reading, book exchange, popsicles. What more could you want? See you soon! #proudcardinal
On Tuesday, August 2, 2022, Dryden voters will again be asked to approve a proposal regarding the 18 mill non-homestead property tax levy. The revenue equals $582,000 (about 10% of our total budget), and the state will not replace the lost funding if the proposal does not pass.
K-1 Summer Home Reading Activities for this week - Our theme is Rainforests! Suggested activities: make your own rainforest with crafting materials, move like an animal that lives in the rainforest, make a playdough snake to learn about shapes. Book suggestions: #proudcardinal
K-1 Summer Home Reading Activities for this week - Our theme is Rainforests! Suggested activities: make your own rainforest with crafting materials, move like an animal that lives in the rainforest, make a playdough snake to learn about shapes. Book suggestions: #proudcardinal
Michigan Learning Channel's theme of the week is the Great Outdoors. Explore the world outside your door and the incredible parks and waters that belong to us all. https://www.michiganlearning.org/summer-2022/great-outdoors/ #proudcardinal
Michigan Learning Channel's theme of the week is the Great Outdoors. Explore the world outside your door and the incredible parks and waters that belong to us all. https://www.michiganlearning.org/summer-2022/great-outdoors/ #proudcardinal